Monday, November 28, 2011

the weekend & other musings

Why are weekends so darn short, even a four day one flew by & before I knew it, it was Sunday night. The night when you get that horrible foreboding feeling in the pit of your stomach.

First off Thanksgiving went great! We had such a wonderful time. The big fricking turkey came out great!  All our pies turned out awesome & everyone had a roaring time! We had great dinner conversations about wenius and waginias & about how honey badgers don't give a sh@#.
 Sawyer had a blast, he ate the whole shabang & love every minute of it!
 Although I realized the other morning that in all the chaos at our house, I forgot to call my parents & wish them a Happy Thanksgiving! I know, I know, I totally blew the daughter of the year award. I need to call them & grovel tell them I am thankful for them (parents if you are reading this, I am so am!).
I also totally blew it on taking pictures. These are all she wrote - by the time people started arriving at the house, all thoughts of photo ops flew from my mind. Although I know other people were pointing and shooting, so I may be redeemed.

We got talked into going to Walmart at 10:30 Thanksgiving night! It was an adventure, especially after having a few glasses of wine & a few beers. It was total chaos! People were running through the store with their arms full, trying to make it to their cart as their stuff went flying all over the place.

Friday we got up and showed up to TinselTown Christmas Tree Farm. We love that place & have been getting our trees there for years. I think we were their first customers. The kids had a blast & of course we found the perfect tree way in the back of the lot, so Steven had to haul it all the way back up. 
We had to do something this year that we have never had to worry about before, check the height of the tree. Our ceilings in the house are only 8ft compared to the 15 plus feet of the apartment. When we brought it home we still had to cut like 2-3ft off just to make it fit. At first it looked so small because I am used to humungoid trees that we have to use a ladder to decorate. We did not even use all our ornaments!

The kids loved pulling out all the Christmas stuff from the boxes, especially the lights.

Saturday I spent the day doing totally sucked.
There you have it another accomplished weekend! We even were lucky enough to get the game through our digital converter box (that never works) on Sunday!

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