Tuesday, February 28, 2012

lesson learned

We went to sit at the dinner table tonight & Sebastien comes running in, sits down & stares at me.
We have been eating leftovers since Monday night. I made my awesome sausage stew, thinking my family would appreciate my culinary excellence.
"This again" he whines at me.
At this point I am annoyed, so I start the "there are people less fortunate talk"
 I tell him that there are people out there less fortunate than us that would love a good meal and go without eating. He turns & looks at me, I am cutting Sawyer's sausage up thinking it is sinking in.
"Well, lets get in the car, drive around until we find these people & I will give them mine"
Every quintessential parent talk I have given this kid, he has thrown back in my face!
What a turd!

At least Sawyer loved it, then again I swear this kid will eat anything you put in front of him.

Friday, February 17, 2012

the kitchen

so this week I was able to get to some of the craft stuff I have been wanting to do. (stupid pinterest) & I wanted to add a little decoration to the kitchen.

So here it is.

looking for some stuff for the kitchen walls
My pin from Pinterest

I found the wood letters at Michaels. They were about $2.79 a piece and I found this Krylon spray paint after searching 3 stores. It was a hammered finish so I wanted to try it. When I first thought about this with help from the pin on Pinterest, I envisioned more depth to my letters, but I like the way they turned out.

We put about 2 coats on and let them dry. I added another coat later because it just did not have that "hammered" look. To achieve this if you ever use this, you have to spray it on thick, thick as in the paint seems to puddle.

These letters had nail holes on the back side, so they were easy to hang. Since the door frame was so wide, we spread out the letters more.After doing this, I was on a spray paint kick & wanted to go through the house & spray paint everything in sight!

I saw this clock at Ross like 6 months ago & did not buy it. When I finally made up my mind that I had to have it, it was gone. I found it on Amazon for twice the price. You snooze, you lose.

I have been searching on Etsy and other sites for some cute prints for the kitchen. There are a lot of them out there, but they were so pricey. I thought I would try my hand at creating some word prints myself using Picnik. 

I thought of all stuff kitchen related & thought of all the things that go on in our kitchen. I had so much fun with this one. 

I love this quote, all though there was a debate on whether this was the right quote. 

These were super easy to make. In Picnik, select library from the top tabs. Select make a collage and pick the biggest collage there is. You can change the background color or leave it white. In the top right corner, select High under Quality and then select done.  Now you can edit it, put in stickers or write with all their fonts! I did have some trouble with the sizing to make it fit on a standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper. You will just have to play around with it and instead of printing through Picnik, save to your computer & print from there. You get much better results.

I even had a helper.

Until he turned into this!

Next I am going to tackle our bedroom dresser, using these pins as inspiration. So excited! I already have my mod podge ready, just looking out for that right fabric.

dresser with wallpaper and mod podge   mod podge dresser  mod podge on front of dresser

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


We have been busy these last two weeks.

This little man is now 11 months! Almost party time to celebrate the big one! I am so excited!

He has both of his top teeth breaking through this week and he is not happy about it. They look huge, some of the tooth is breaking through the front of his gums & it looks painful. Steven is saying they look like Chiclets.
For about a month both Sebastien & I have been singing "Where's your teeth at...where your teeth at" sung to the rhythm of "Where's your head at" you know that song by Basement Jaxx. I think the teeth broke through because he was tired of our horrible singing.
He is also semi-walking. Semi as in he gets up, takes about 4-5 steps, laughs his butt off & decides to crawl the rest of the way. I have no video or pictures. When he sees me whip out a camera he refuses to do it. He decides now is the time for shyness!

We have been trying to steal moments of nice weather to tackle our yard. It is seriously scary people! It is like an alien life-form has taken over all the plant life. Think of it as a body snatcher but for plants. This alien is called the sticker bush or blackberry bushes. Some of those vines were more than 10 feet long and several inches around & those suckers hurt! Even after we cut some of them down, they still got you. Our yard is run over with them. After clearing out some space, we found a weird huge nest of dead twigs, hopefully there was not a horrible creature that was calling it home, because it may come looking for us now that we tear it down. The kids unknowingly had a blast. If they only knew. I told Steven we better get them now before they realize this is a chore and then we have to bribe pay them allowance to do it!

Valentines was this week, Charlee was a wonderful dog & decided to celebrate without us. Sebastien & I made 24 cupcakes, 12 for him & Sawyer & then the rest for home. We stayed up until 9:30 at night frosting & sprinkling those babies. The ones for daycare thankfully made it there in one piece but when we got home later that day, Charlee had decided to help herself to the rest. How that dog got them off the counter (i pushed them way back, back enough where Sebastien had to get a chair to reach them) & pry off the LOCKED top of our cake pan is beyond me. I guess she really wanted them.

Don't they look good!

Sebastien filling out his valentines like a kindergartner!

.........and last I bought new shoes yesterday. Not my usual pair of shoes, I saw them & thought they were fun, plus they were on clearance. These shoes have no traction. They do not do well on all the polished floors here at my work. Lets just say I did not need any help in my clumsiness department.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

love & a hamburger

Sometimes it is just the little things that give our lives so many joys. It could be a hug, a smile, or a compliment.
Today it was a hamburger.
Steven called me up this morning & told me to run down & meet him in the tunnel. The tunnel is our meeting spot when he is at work & just happens to be by my building. That right there almost made my day. When during the week, you only get to see your husband for maybe 30 minutes as you are coming in the door & him off to bed, you tend to steal the smallest of moments to get your time together in.
So I rushed down there & he presented me with this:

If you do not know what Dick's is, you are missing out. They have the best, greasiest and cheapest hamburgers around.(in the NW anyway) I work less than a mile from one but just do not get there often. He knew how much Dick's is a treat for me and totally brought me some! I did hesitate a moment, you know the whole 30 day Shred thingy. (my legs hurt so bad today, that I feel like an old lady getting up and down from my office chair!)
But you know what...........

I totally showed that burger who was boss & washed it down with a Coke Zero, even though secretly I was craving a root beer. That counts for something right?
So with that small gesture, I completely fell in love all over again with that man. Who knew that he could win his way into my heart with a hamburger!